The list below describes all stock i5800 apks under /system/app. You can
see this folder via RootExplorer or FileExplorer or the like, or see
them through Titanium Backup, although they might be out of order and
with different names (they will use the display name rather than apk
name on Titanium).
YES -- Indicates an application can be removed, but please don´t remove them without reading the description.
NO -- Means an application is essential or pretty important for the functionality of your phone.
Some of these descriptions have been based off of Insanity´s I9000
Galaxy S ROM, however all of these have been tested on the I5800 (this
is not just a copy paste, rather I based my original understanding of
this list in his).
Use at your own risk, I cannot be held responsible if you break your phone.
If your are going to attempt this, first your should have some knowledge
of flashing your phone via ODIN, because if you happen to delete
something that was important to you, you might need to reflash.
Keep in mind you don´t need to delete apps right off the bat. You can
rename them from Application.apk to Application.OLDapk or whatever. This
will prevent your phone from recognizing them as applications without
you having to fully remove them. When you are sure of your choices and
want to free up space, go ahead and delete them.
Some firmware versions will have .odex files with the same name as the
.apk. When deleting and apk, delete it´s respective .odex. If you are
going to rename an .apk, then rename the .odex as well (aka
AccountAndSyncSettings.apk -- NO,
Sync settings, this is required, even if out don´t sync, this is because
it syncs more than just calendar and contacts, it is the effective sync
to your google account, required for just about anything.
ApplicationsProvider.apk -- NO, required for application installation and uninstall.
audioTuning.apk -- ?, not really sure about this one. I guess this
is an automatic sound adjustment according to background noise, however
I´ve never seen this into effect. If you´re feeling lucky, you can try
removing it, however I´ve never monitored this actually showing up
resource managers.
AxT9IME.apk -- YES, This is the
stock Samsung keyboard. You can remove it, but even if you have swype,
swype doesn´t have all of the keyboard layouts. I´d leave it, to my
opinion, this is kind of essential.
BadgeProvider.apk -- NO, Something
to do with messaging and email. Removing this causes SMS and email
related apps to force close. Even if you manage to keep the program open
for long enough without it foce closing, you won´t be able to send
messages, they´ll just be stuck on "sending".
Bluetooth.apk -- YES,
incorrectly named, this apk actually manages the Bluetooth printing
rather than the bluetooth itself. If you have no need for bluetooth
printing, this won´t ever be missed or will never bother you in any
BluetoothOPP.apk -- NO, this apk
actually manages file transfer between phones. Remove this and you´ll
never be able to transfer files. This actually includes streaming music
through Car bluetooth and headsets, since they effectively speaking,
file transfers.
BluetoothServices.apk -- NO,
provides general framework for Bluetooth. If you´re going to use
bluetooth for any reason, this apk is a must. Removing this one breaks
all other bluetooth applications.
BluetoothTestMode.apk -- YES,
this is activated when you need to test the fidelity of your bluetooth.
You can do that by going into the test section by typing the secret code
*#*#197328640#*#*. Removing it is possible, however, some BT
connections actually test the bluetooth to measure how much data is
transfered. This way, it calculates the buffer size it needs to use, and
at what quality media can be streamed. Removing it can disrupt
communications with those BT terminals or you can experience fade-outs,
where while listening to songs, the sound will fade every few seconds,
because of inadequate bandwith. (this can occur even with this
application left as is, if your BT terminal doesn´t have the auto
regulation feature)
Browser.apk -- YES, removing
this will make you lose your browsing ability (not internet as a whole).
If you have firefox or opera for android, and like those best, you can
remove this without any problems.
BuddiesNow.apk -- YES, this is just that widget offered by the TouchWiz launcher. If you don´t use it, remove it.
CallSetting.apk -- NO, do you like
to use your phone for... umm calling people? This is kind of essencial,
it will allow call setting to be edited. Stuff like call waiting and
forwarding will not work if you remove this, as well as other stuff I
didn´t have time or willingness to test, as soon as I confirmed dialpad
and other things while calling had been disabled.
Camera.apk -- NO, this is the
camera application. If you find an alternative one (I don´t think there
are any on the market) you could remove it.
CameraFirmware.apk -- NO, this is the actual ROM (if you will) for the camera. Without this, camera.apk is useless.
CertInstaller.apk -- NO, Installs
certificates for the apps you install. I assume without this, you cannot
give permissions for apps to do things and access certain folders and
files. I´m guessing if you don´t have this installed, you couldn´t even
install root on your phone. So in short, no.
ClockPackage.apk -- YES, however
this controls the alarm clock, stopwatch, world time and timer. There
are alternative applications online if you want, but this seems to do
the job pretty well and all under the same apk.
Contacts.apk -- NO, this controls the
contacts application (the contacts / groups / history / activities
tabs). Removing this will make you have to call everyone by physically
inputing their number.
ContactsProvider.apk -- NO, this
controls contacts sync. Pretty useful if you still don´t use google
contacs sync, you should try it. In theory if you don´t use it, you
could remove it, but I don´t know what effect it would have on your
CSC.apk -- NO. This breaks CSC.
According to insanity, this can be removed after first successful boot,
but if you ever have to hard reset or restore factory settings, this
will not allow you to boot successfully.
DataCreate.apk -- NO.
DialerTabActivity.apk -- NO. This controls the dialer. Even if you have all your contacts already stored, you cannot call them without this app.
Divx.apk -- YES. This is some
licesing information for the video player. I don´t really watch alot of
videos on my phone, but after removing this I´ve never had any problems.
If you do remove it, and have problems, post it on the comments.
Dlna.apk -- YES. This is allshare. Never had any use for it, and it shall not be missed.
DownloadProvider.apk -- NO. Handles file downloads and market downloads.
DrmProvider.apk -- NO. In theory,
you cannot remove it, it will break your ability to play DRM protected
files, aka, Ringtones and SMS notifications. I´ve been in the process of
de-DRMing my ringtone files. I would imagine, if you don´t have a
reason to play DRM protected files, this could be removed. However keep
in mind all DRM protected files will not be able to play. This apk takes
up a lot of memory and stays on all the time on the background. It is
one of my most hated apks, it serves no function rather than to protect
you from copying or editing the stupid samsung ringtones.
DrmUA.apk -- NO, see above.
DualClock.apk -- YES. Dual clock widget. If you don´t need, remove it.
Email.apk -- NO. According to insanity, removing this will break things.Haven´t tried it yet though.
EnhancedGoogleSearchProvider.apk -- YES. This controls that ability to hold the menu button for a second or two and the search menu pop up. I usally keep it.
FactoryTest.apk -- YES. Removed
it without any problems. If you have ever run autostarts, you´ll realize
how much of a hog this apk really is during some actions.
FlashPlugin.apk -- YES. This allows flash content to be displayed, so even though you can, I don´t recommed it.
FlashSVGPlayer.apk -- YES. As
far as I know, this is the player which provides you to view the flash
content through the plugin above. Removing this might break your
FMRadio.apk -- YES. Radio player.
Gallery3D.apk -- YES. This is a
battery hog. It´s that fancy 3D accelerometer enhanced gallery. If you
remove it, you won´t be able to easily access photographs though. If you
want a good replacement, I would suggest QuickPic, it does the job,
it´s fast and doesn´t hog memory (although its not fancy like the 3D
GlobalSearch.apk -- YES. This is
the search function on your phone. Remember the Enhanced search this
above, well, that actually accesses this to do the search. That can be
removed and this will be fine (although you´ll have to access the search
feature by the app drawer). But if you remove this, the enhanced search
will be useless.
Gmail.apk -- YES. Don´t use gmail? It can be removed, but will break Talk.apk as well.
GmailProvider.apk -- YES. I guess it is tied to gmail.apk. See above.
GoogleApps.apk -- ?. This is didn´t even come installed on my phone, so I guess it´s not that important.
GoogleCheckin.apk -- ? Same as above.
GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk -- YES. Syncs contacts through google. This can be removed, but you won´t be able to sync contacts.
GooglePartnerSetup.apk -- NO.
GoogleSearch.apk -- YES. This is the google search widget you can add onto your launcher desktop.
GoogleSettingsProvider.apk -- NO.
GoogleSubscribedFeedsProvider.apk -- ?. Don´t know, this is not on my phone.
GpsSetup2.apk -- NO. This sets up GPS configurations.
gtalkservice.apk -- YES. You might have this as talk.apk or gtalkservice.apk, although it´s all the same thing, it´s Google Talk.
HTMLViewer.apk -- YES. No side effects were noticed when removing this.
HwCodec.apk -- ?. Don´t have this on my phone.
IcsService.apk -- ?. Don´t have this on my phone.
InfoAlarm.apk -- YES. This is the daily briefing widget. Don´t need it remove it.
InputEventApp.apk -- NO.
Layar-samsung.apk -- YES. Layar. Seems awesome on paper. Never has been of any use in reality.
LbsTestMode.apk -- YES. GPS testing mode. Can be accessed via *#*#197328640#*#*, but not needed per se.
lcdtest.apk -- YES. Removing
this will cause your screen to not turn off when you lock your phone. By
installing spare parts you can fix this, however if you don´t use spare
parts for any other reason, that´s just replacing a passive apk for one
that invades your phone on all levels. So I rather just leave it and
not worry about it.
LogsProvider.apk -- NO. Lots of things will crash and force close if you do.
Maps.apk -- YES. Google Maps apk. If you don´t use it, remove it, but it is pretty useful, since it has gps navigation as well.
MarketUpdater.apk -- YES. Safe to remove but when the market gets updated you won´t be recieving the update.
MediaProvider.apk -- NO. Needed to access media files and ringtones.
MediaUploader.apk -- YES. This uploads pictures to picassa (facebook as well?). If you don´t need it, remove it.
Memo.apk -- YES. Remove it and you won´t be able to write memos though.
Mms.apk -- NO. This controls MMS sending and recieving on the phone.
MobileTrackerEngineTwo.apk -- YES.
This app and the next control the tracker ability on your phone. What
this does is if you lose your phone you can use this to track it down
and find it. If it gets stolen, you can use this to lead the cops to the
thief. Although this is an awesome idea, if you don´t live in a perfect
world, it would be wiser not to go after the guy who stole your phone
in case he decides to, hum..., go kill you afterwards... Besides, I live
in Argentina, and the cops cannot be trusted to do this kind of job...
they´ll tell you they can´t do anything. These things stay on memory all
the time and really consume battery, so if you don´t care about this
feature and really just take care of your stuff, you´ll not be needing
these two apps.
MobileTrackerUI.apk -- YES. See
Above. I forgot to mention though an extra feature this offers though.
If you have these 2 apks installed, you have the samsung apps and singin
(you´ll see them later further down), you can use another apk called
wipereciever.apk to remotely wipe all the data on your phone, in case
you are very privacy concious. However, removing any of these 2 apks,
removing samsung apps and not setting up a samsung apps account before
your phone gets stolen, this feature becomes disabled. Really in my
opinion, its too much stuff to be worried about, and my phone doesn´t
contain any nuclear launch codes. So I rely on my lock screen password
to protect my data. (Most thieves don´t have the knowhow to crack the
lockscreen protection and access the info inside the phone. At most
they´ll get bored and might find the info on how to flash a new ROM or
reset to factory settings, where your info will be deleted and your
privacy sensitive stuff with it).
MtpApplication.apk -- YES.
Required to sync with Kies. Do you flash your ROMs rather than update
through Kies, this is useless to you then. (Updating through Kies is the
equivalent of upgrading from XP to windows 7. It does the job, but it
never works as well as installing from scratch.)
MusicPlayer.apk -- YES. This is
the music player. If you remove this, you can still preview sounds and
stuff through the SoundPlayer.apk. This can be effectively replace by
PowerAMP and Winamp. In fact, if you have a stable music player
alternative installed, I would recommend you delete this, since it could
cause clashes and you might even get both players playing different
songs at the same time via Bluetooth.
MyFiles.apk -- YES. This is the
default file viewer installed by Samsung. If you use RootExplorer, this
is kind of pointless. However, I sometime do things on the go and need
to access things fast. I usually use this for everyday use and leave
RootExplorer just to do alterations such as what we are doing in this
list, so as to not delete important things by accident.
NetworkLocation.apk -- YES. This
is the semi-accurate GPS simulation. It uses Cellphone Cell information
to estimate your location, rather than using the battery hog GPS
antenna. If you remove this, things like automatic weather location will
be broken (you´ll have to input your location manually). I usually
leave this on, because since it uses the very GSM network used by the
phone, it seems like hitting two birds with one stone. Using the real
GPS will force you to have two antennas working together. This wastes a
lot of battery, and really most of the time the network location does a
pretty good job of narrowing down your location. If you use GPS A LOT, I
recommed just buying one of those TomToms or Garmin GPS, it has better
maps, better accuracy and the very device is optimized to use only the
GPS antenna, therefore wasting less battery, and not wasting your phone
battery life.
OtaProvisioningService.apk -- NO. According to insanity, this is required. However see wssyncmlnps.apk to get more of an idea.
PackageInstaller.apk -- NO.
Personalization.apk -- NO.
Phone.apk -- NO. Remove this and
you won´t have the dialer application. Even though your phone will
theoretically work, you just won´t be able to dial out or view missed
calls and stuff.
PhoneCrashNotifier.apk -- ?. Don´t know, my phone doesn´t have this.
PhoneErrService.apk -- NO.
Phone_Util.apk -- NO.
PicoTts.apk -- YES. This is part
of the text to speech (not speech to text). If you´re blind, this is
kind of important, because the phone will read via a a robotic voice
things to you. This is also part of the Google GPS application where it
will tell you "turn left" "keep right". If you remove this, GPS
navigation will work, you just won´t have someone talking to you. If you
decide to remove this, remove TtsService.apk as well.
Preconfig.apk -- NO.
RilFactoryApp.apk -- ?. The galaxy 3 seems to be the only phone
in the world that has this. Nowhere I have seen is this apk mentioned. I
have no idea what this does.
SamsungApps.apk -- YES. Samsung
apps, if you remove this, you can remove signin.apk as well. If you
remove this, and you manage your music and have apps via Kies, they
might not work, however Kies will still connect (if you want to update
firmware via Kies). By removing this, your samsung and touchwiz widgets
will still work.
SamsungWidget_CalendarClock.apk -- YES. Calendar clock widget.
SamsungWidget_FeedAndUpdate.apk -- YES. Feeds and Updates widget.
SamsungWidget_StockClock.apk -- YES. Stock clock widget.
SamsungWidget_WeatherClock.apk -- YES. Weather clock widget.
SecDownloadProvider.apk -- NO. I believe this has to do with the maket, so I´d just leave it alone.
serviceModeApp.apk -- NO. Required for secret codes and service tasks, such as those accessed by secret codes.
Settings.apk -- NO. Isn´t settings explicit enough?
SettingsProvider.apk -- NO. Some
Carriers will send you settings via sms or internal message. This is
mostly for those people who don´t really know how to configure their
phone (anyone not reading XDA ). Although it seems banal, it could be
useful at some point, and some people have reported things force closing
because of this
SetupWizard.apk -- NO. In theory can be deleted after first successful boot. However this could cause problems if you need to factory reset
shutdown.apk -- NO. Tells you your battery is low and manages shutdown notifications.
signin.apk -- YES. See SamsungApps.apk
SisoDrmProvider.apk -- NO. Has to do
with the DRM. If you successfully manage to remove DRMUA and
DRMService, maybe this can be removed as well. Don´t know, haven´t been
able to rid my phone from drm still.
SnsAccount.apk -- YES. Does the
feeds sync with facebook and twitter. Without this, you won´t be
informed of new tweets of your friends saying "OMG! I´m at the toilet
reading cosmo magazine. LOLZ".
SnsProvider.apk -- YES. See above.
SoundPlayer.apk -- YES. This, not
to be confused with MusicPlayer.apk plays sounds and previews ringtones.
Even though it can be removed, you´ll be pretty limited if you do,
since it works a bit faster and to the point than MusicPlayer. It
doesn´t genera playlist, history and has no visualization. It just plain
to the point plays sounds. Even if you have Winamp, PowerAMP, cubed or
whatever I recommend keeping this.
Stk.apk -- YES. You know those
annoying menus your carrier offers you, you know, to inform you about
your hororscope (no I didn´t misspell it), roaming information or
traffic information, making you send a message so they can send you the
info back? This is the menu apk for that. Don´t want to download your
carrier (payed) games or apps telling you bad jokes? Delete this.
Street.apk -- YES. Streetview for Google Maps. Removing it will not break google maps, but you won´t get to view street pictures.
Swype.apk -- YES. Swype keyboard,
and awesome alternative to samsung´s. It does a good job at predicting
text, but not essential if you like to manually type all words out.
syncmldm.apk -- YES. Device
Management. I read something somewhere but don´t really remember what it
was. I deleted this accidentally while trying to delete syncmlds.apk
but nothing has broken yet...
syncmlds.apk -- YES. This has to do with the Synchronize page options in the settings menu. If you don´t use it, it has no meaning in your life.
Talk.apk -- YES. Google Talk. There
was some chatter about removing this breaking Gmail or the Market. As
far as I´ve read, this can be removed, although I still haven´t gotten
around to trying it out.
TalkProvider.apk -- YES. See above.
TelephonyProvider.apk -- NO.
thinkdroid.apk -- YES. This is the
mobile version of a microsoft office clone. Removing this will not let
you open .doc or .xls or .pps on your phone.
TouchWiz30Launcher.apk -- NO. Even
though if you use Zeam or LauncherPro or GoLauncher, removing this is
kind of dangerous. Let me explain. A while ago when I was a virgin at
ODIN flashing and new to the phone, i deleted this because I was using
LauncherPRO. I had also deleted something that made my phone force close
all the time. I didn´t trust flashing yet, and in my haste, I decided
to restore factory settings. The thing is, when you do that, it deletes
all non stock apps and reconfigures the phone to use stock apps. When I
that, even though the phone booted, I couldn´t access anything, because
launchers also control the appdrawer. My phone was literally blank,
although if was working. The problem is, if you factory reset, the
settings that control your USB connection as MODEM or PDA go back to its
original settings. As mine did. So I couldn´t get to anywhere on my
phone and couldn´t get my computer to recognize the phone. Until I
flashed it via Odin (after a 7 hour desperation overnight, and finding
some miracle Samsung USB x64 drivers for mobile phones on a forum) the
phone was in effect soft bricked.
If you remove anything from this list and have problems, you can factory
reset or prepare you contacts and apps for a flashing via ODIN. If you
delete however, you won´t even be able to prepare yourself or backup
anything. I wish this upon no one, so I advise keeping this, just to be
on the safe side.
TouchWizCalculator.apk -- YES. Calculator app, although can be removed, it´s pretty cool and functional.
TouchWizCalendar.apk -- YES. Calendar app, although can be removed, it´s pretty cool and functional.
TouchWizCalendarProvider.apk -- NO.
This has something to do with calendar sync and seems to be the
connection between the calendar app and the phone´s internal calendar
and date settings.
TtsService.apk -- YES. See PicoTts.apk
TwWallpaperChooser.apk -- YES.
Wallpaper Chooser. If you have 3DGallery or QuickPic installed, you can
use those to set wallpaper, even though there are some wallpapers
(internal to this apk) you won´t get.
UNAService.apk -- ?. I have no idea what this is, and so doesn´t insanity.
UserDictionaryProvider.apk -- YES.
You know when you add new words, like names and nicknames to your
keyboard prediction? This is where those are kept. Delete this and
you´ll have to write like the English Academy of Words wants you to
write. LOLZ and WTF won´t be recognized as words and you´ll have to
write them out everytime you write them, rather than it being available
to you via prediction.
Vending.apk -- NO. Part of the Android Market. Actually this IS the Market.
VideoPlayer.apk -- YES. Video player. Do as you wish.
VoiceDialer.apk -- YES. Allows you
to dial by speaking someone´s name. Most people´s names when I say them,
tend to return something entirely different from what I was looking
for. Sometimes though, it surprises. For some reason this sometimes
doesn´t work if you don´t have mobile internet activated, making me
believe this actually sends via internet the recording, and an algorith
somewhere in the Google empire sends the decodification back... Very
VoiceRecorder.apk -- YES. Allows
you to record your voice. Some people complain the quality is too low,
however I use this as a notepad, rather than writing my to-do list, I
speak them. Much faster and much easier. Don´t see why something such as
this would need audiophile levels of quality.
VpnServices.apk -- YES. VPN for
Android. Perhaps gMote or applications that allow you to control your
phone via PC desktop might require this. I don´t , so I delete it, and
it doesn´t break anything.
wipereceiver.apk -- YES. Remember mobile tracker? This is the apk that lets you wipe your data remotely.
WlanTest.apk -- YES. Tests wireless settings, via the same test menu mentioned on the above test apks. Required for OTA updates.
WriteandGo.apk -- YES. Write and Go application.
wssomacp.apk -- NO. Required for SMS messaging.
wssyncmlnps.apk -- YES. This is
Over The Air Programming. What this does is if your provider decides it
has a better way to configure your device or alterations to do to
improve something, they´ll send you a message telling to dial such and
such number. Your phone will go into download mode and somethings will
be updated. My carrier never has done such things, and really I trust
the guys from XDA to configure my phone way better than my carrier. I
usually remove this.
YouTube.apk -- YES. Since android
has limited flash support, this application allows you to take the full
youtube experience, rather than having to access youtube through the
browser. Delete it if you don´t watch videos.
SOURCE: ( nishant_713 )
wow this grat articles bro cebong hahaha
hahaha thnx Zul
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